Endometriosis Awareness Month

Since it is March, I feel obligated to post.  Good thing I have something to write about.

I started off my endometriosis awareness month by getting my IUD taken out.  I had stopped Lybrel almost two months ago, and the IUD was the next step.  No, I’m not trying to get pregnant.  I just want to get rid of the hormones.  It’s not healthy, and I don’t trust the FDA.  I am also curious if I am even really depressed.  I recently learned that birth control can cause depression, along with a myriad of other psychological symptoms.  I realized that, for the entire time I have been depressed, I have been on BC.

So I went to the doctor, and of course she and her nurse grilled me.  It made me a little uneasy to tell them my reasons for getting off of BC.  How do you tell your doctor that the drugs she prescribes are garbage?  I also told her about my abdominal pain, and she poked and prodded and finally said she’s not sure what it is.  Gave me a referral to consult with a surgeon.

I had heard that getting an IUD taken out is not painful compared to having one put in.  Well, I was knocked out when it was put in–I had it done during my surgery, three years ago.  So I didn’t really have anything to compare it to, but damn, it hurt.  After she left, I looked at it–it’s so tiny, and there wasn’t any tissue attached to it, so why did it hurt so much?  My body is so foreign at times.

I had to go grocery shopping afterwards, and that was not fun.  I was crampy all day, until I took a nap.  I woke up feeling better.  Then when I peed, there was blood, but I’m sure it was just from the trauma.

On another note, yellow is the endo awareness color.  Last night I realized, with frustration, that Sam and I do not own yellow clothing.  So I ordered these cute buttons from zazzle:  http://www.zazzle.com/fight_like_a_girl_endometriosis_16_5_button-145187249632068085

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